M i MA zügelt: Inspirationsquelle Studio Caroline Gomez

22. April 2014
M i MA, Studio Caroline Gomez, http://carolinegomez.com, interior, bordeaux
Die Phase der Inspiration hält an – solange bis der Rohbau steht. Dann geht es an die Feinplanung, und die Frage der Fliesen, der Wandgestaltung, der Leuchtmittel und Farben etc. Seit einigen Wochen bin ich hierfür auf der Suche nach Ideen und Anregungen, und habe schon so manchen Hausbesuch gemacht und das ein oder andere ‚Expertengespräch‘ geführt. Heute führt meine Suche nach Frankreich, genau genommen nach Bordeaux zu der Designerin Caroline Gomez, die mich mit ihrem poetischen Minimalismus verzaubert hat. In unserem kurzen Gespräch erzählt sie, warum sie das Studio Caroline Gomez gründete und mit lokalen Handwerkern zusammenarbeitet, wie sie Kind und Beruf unter einen Hut kriegt und wie sie Berlin erlebt hat. Eine vergnügliche Lektüre wünsche ich euch und sage: Thank you, dear Caroline, for answering my questions.
M i MA, Studio Caroline Gomez, http://carolinegomez.com, interior, bordeaux
Dear Caroline, would you like to introduce yourself in a few sentences?
I am a designer and owner of the studio Caroline Gomez. I live in Bordeaux (South-West France) with my husband and our little girl Lou (4 years).
You live in Bordeaux. Where and how do you live there? 
We have bought an old factory and rebuilt it into a living space. My small studio is there, too. This house is my world, we love to live there. [Pictures of her lovely home, you find on stylemepretty | Bilder ihres wunderschönen Zuhauses findet ihr auf stylemepretty]
You are the founder and art director of Studio Gomez. When and why have you found it?
My Studio is the possibility to do things and projects, that I love. I have founded it in 2012. 
What does Studio Gomez do or offer?
My lifestyle is my signature. I edit objects, furniture, textile projects, books, photography and so on. Besides I work for divers brands, behind the scenes and help or advise in design, graphics or photos.
M i MA, Studio Caroline Gomez, http://carolinegomez.com, interior, bordeaux
By the way: I have read in the Milk Magazine, that you bring your daughter to school and pick her up at there every day. How long do she stay at school? Do you have enough time for your work?
My daughter´s school starts at 8:30 am and ends at 16:30. Two days a week she at school until 18:30, so that I have more time to work. All in all time is rare commodity, but it´s going well, and I enjoy the precious moments with my daughter! 
You work together with local craftsmen and have a focus on natural and daily life design. Why?
I love working with local artisans, because it allows me to see the development or ‚birth‘ of things and products. For me it´s important to attend a project from A to Z – from the first idea to the final result!
If you design a room, what is the first step you would do, and why?
First of all I would paint it white with a nice ground. Then I would come up with colors, in order to give the room a structure or topography. Which color, structure or topography –  that depends on the desired style and design.
M i MA, Studio Caroline Gomez, http://carolinegomez.com, interior, bordeaux
What makes an interior a good interior in your mind? 
A good interior for me is an interior that is light and intimate (instead of cluttered). It makes a welcoming and comfortable space for the whole family and gives freedom of movements to every dweller. 
2015 I will move in a new apartment. It is a new building inspired by industrial buildings made of concrete, steel and glass. What is essential by arranging it?
I would keep the circuitousness of the space and choose a an open, flexible floor plan with some rooms for sleeping or retreating.
And for last: In 2011 you have visited Berlin, and documented your journey in an awesome journal. How have you experienced Berlin?
Berlin is a wonderful city! Vivid, positive and full of surprises. Beautiful, very modern and friendly. The culture live is very present and seems to be supported. I really enjoyed my stay and I would love to come back with my daughter! 
M i MA, Studio Caroline Gomez, http://carolinegomez.com, interior, bordeaux, destination, berlin

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